Lat. 38º42'N I Long 9º25'W
The main concern of Marina de Cascais is to guarantee everyone who visits us the best possible experience. For this reason, we are looking for partners who, through the exchange of synergies, help us to achieve excellence with advantageous prices for those involved.
Our protocols:
Marcascais SA
This protocol, which also included the Municipality of Cascais, will allow the construction of the new Cascais life-saving station. A clear upgrade in the safety conditions of those who visit us, especially by sea.
Geopormar SA
This protocol, signed between Gespormar and Cascais, allows the municipality's employees to use the Cascais Marina car park at affordable prices. Availability is limited.
Covenants of the PMT
Our protocols with some entities allow you to enjoy our parking at attractive prices.
Members of the Cascais Council Business Association - 25%
Residents of Condomínio do Gandarinha - 25%
Santa Casa da Misericordia de Cascais - 40%
CNC employees - 35%
Pestana Cidadela de Cascais - Special prices for customer tickets and 30%
discount on employee fees.